

Media and Sermons


Displaying 41 - 60 of 1164

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/11/24 Free Will Makes the Choice Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 08-11-24_Free_Will_Makes_the_Choice.mp3
08/11/24 The Sin of Hate Troy Armstrong Sermon N/A Sun AM 08-11-24_Hate.mp3
08/04/24 The One True Church Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 08-04-24_Jim_StaufferThe_One_True_Church.mp3
08/04/24 The Influence of the World Ron Peck Sermon N/A Sun AM 08-04-24_Ron_PeckThe_Influence_of_the_World.mp3
07/28/24 The Distinctive Worship of the Lord's Church Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 07-28-24_Jim_Stauffer.mp3
07/28/24 Understanding God's Creation and His Will for Us Ron Peck Sermon N/A Sun AM 07-28-24_Ron_Peck.mp3
07/21/24 THE DISTINCTIVE MEMBERS OF THE LORD'S CHURCH Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM audio1486016674Distinctive_Members.mp3
07/07/24 Who is Truly Blessed? Michael Hickox Sermon N/A Sun AM 07-07-24_Micheal_Hickox_2.mp3
07/07/24 "But You Followed" Michael Hickox Sermon N/A Sun AM 07-07-24_Micheal_Hickox.mp3
06/30/24 The Distinctive Message of the Lord's Church Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-30-24_Jim_Stauffer.mp3
06/30/24 Is God Unfair? Ron Peck Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-30-24_Ron_Peck.mp3
06/23/24 The Bread of Life Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-23-24_Bill_And_Jim.mp3
06/23/24 Living By Our Conscience Bill Miller Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-23-24_Living_By_Our_Conscience.mp3
06/16/24 The Baptism of Naaman Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-16-24_.mp3
06/16/24 Blessed Are the Meek Troy Armstrong Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-16-24_Blessed_Are_the_Meek.mp3
06/09/24 The Distinctive Organization of the Lord's Church Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-09-24_Jim_StaufferThe_Distinctive_Organization_of_the_Lords_Church.mp3
06/09/24 Zeal According to Knowledge Darrin Rawson Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-09-24_Darrin_RawsonZeal_According_to_Knowledge.mp3
06/02/24 The Beginning and Establishment of the Church Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-02-24_Jim_StaufferThe_Beginning_and_Establishment_of_the_Church.mp3
06/02/24 Rescue the Perishing Ron Peck Sermon N/A Sun AM 06-02-24_Ron_PeckRescue_thePerishing.mp3
05/26/24 The Distinctive Mission of the Church Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 05-26-24_Jim_StaufferThe_Distictive_Mission_of_the_Church.mp3

Displaying 41 - 60 of 1164

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